A wise person once said that everyone wants to have a long life, but no one wants to get old. Yet it happens. At Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, we believe that just because we get older doesn't mean we sacrifice our dental health. Many dental problems common among retirees such as missing teeth, gum recession, tooth damage, and yellowed... read more »
Maybe you've always wanted a dazzling, movie star smile. Or maybe your teeth have just grown dull with the passage of time. Whatever the reason might be, teeth whitening from Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany will give you the smile of yoru dreams. It seems like everyone wants whiter teeth. Take a stroll down the dental care aisle in the... read more »
Welcome to the Pinnacle Dental Associates dental blog. Let's talk about smile transformations. Some Albany patients wonder if the term is synonymous with general cosmetic dentistry. Are the placement of four veneers considered a smile makeover? Well, yes and no. If your smile is attractive and healthy except for some chips in your upper front teeth, veneer placement may remedy... read more »
When people seek cosmetic dentistry at Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, porcelain veneers are a popular option. Unlike a crown that completely covers the tooth, a veneer is a super thin layer of a very durable porcelain, composite bonding, or ceramic. When bonded to a tooth, the veneer creates a natural, translucent, and new surface. It improves the appearance of... read more »
In this post from Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, we begin with something we'd classify as Murphy's Law. You leave the house on a pressing errand, looking completely disheveled. Inevitably, you bump into someone you know. How do you feel in your ill-fitting sweatpants and stained T-shirt? Attractive clothing, well-groomed hair, and a fit body boost morale for most people.... read more »
A mouth full of unattractive teeth can distract from anyone's appearance. But a red carpet-caliber smile, like what you can get with cosmetic dentistry from Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, can bring you increased satisfaction and confidence in your social interactions. Cosmetic dentistry is that branch of dental science that creates positive changes to your teeth and your smile. We... read more »
Your child's daily routine should involve brushing and flossing, hopefully twice a day; but if he or she is continually hearing the word cavity during a dental office visit, then dental sealants might be a great option for your child. Even when brushing and flossing regularly, it is hard to get all the plaque removed from the deep grooves of molars.... read more »
You understand the importance of strong teeth, healthy gums, and a straight smile. But you may not always know the right kind of dentist to see for various types of concerns. Here is a quick breakdown of three of the major areas of dentistry, and their main purposes. "What is a family dentist?" A family dentist (also called a general... read more »
Did you know that nearly 70% of the adult population finds a nice smile attractive? Although that number might seem kind of low, the benefits of having a healthy, white smile will always enhance almost every facet of your life. Whether you realize it or not, your teeth can play a significant role in your professional life, social life, and... read more »
What is a cosmetic dentist? What makes them any different from my local dentist? Or are they like the apples and oranges of the dentistry world? First of all, just because one is a cosmetic dentist does not make them any better than a regular good dentist. They perform two very different services that just so happen to both... read more »